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A member registered Dec 18, 2021

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What was behind the decision to put the resolution to day's challenge on the back of the previous day?  That is so counter initiative.  I would expect to tear off today's page, read the front, make my decision and flip for results.  Each page would resolve like a card from a board game.   

My guess is that you are trying to avoid spoilers for the next day, which I can understand,  but by doing this, that is EXACTLY the result for anyone looking at (and choosing not to print) the PDF.  Page 6 in the PDF (1x1) is the resolution for page 7 of the PDF (for January).  Again, I can only assume here that you believe that everyone will want to print the PDF.  I specifically ordered the just PDF to have a fun little daily adventure, and NOT kill trees.

Pretty disappointed with the PDF layouts.